Circles for a healthier Planet.


We create and share nature based, healthy, sustainable buildings that:
Breathe: provide natural ventilation and a comfortable living environment.
Insulate: keep us warm in winter and cool in summer, while minimizing energy use.
Protect: resist mold, pests, and fire for lasting peace of mind.
Capture Carbon: lock CO2 in buildings to combat climate change.

From tiny seeds, mighty homes grow! Embrace building a hempcrete future for our children.

We believe that there is nothing more uplifting than showing our children, through action, that work can be joyful, building a home can be a blessing, and cooperation can forge a community. We build a community for more natural homes: we actively support home owners, industrial hemp farmers, processors, architects, builders, quality assurance experts, and even policymakers and regulators. We do this by showing the way or beating the path, creating opportunities for involvement, sharing knowledge, organizing workshops and communal work projects, and promoting our ideas. We welcome everyone to join us and provide a map to facilitate local collaborations.